
WDR Lokalzeit
WDR Lokalzeit visits Herwarth Böhmer in his ophthalmological practice and during his concert at Domicil Dortmund.

Radio DO 91.2
Interview on Radio DO 91.2 on the occasion of the upcoming Domicil gig / 75th anniversary of the Auslandsgesellschaft.
Part 1
Part 2

New ensemble
At the end of the Corona years, Herwarth Böhmer, alias Ervardo, founded a new band with professional and passionate musicians. The successful mix of original and interpreted Italian songs soon found its audience.

Performance: Parla la lingua italiana
Open-air performance and live presentation of the title ‘Parla la lingua italiana’ at the Consolato d'Italia a Dortmund.

Performance: Parla la lingua italiana
Performance and live presentation of the title ‘Parla la lingua italiana’ at the Italian Embassy in Berlin at a conference of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Berlino.

Parla la lingua italiana
Herwarth Böhmer in collaboration with the VDIG (Vereinigung Deutsch-Italienischer Kultur-Gesellschaften e.V.),, and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Berlino,, as a singing ambassador for learning Italian in Germany. A tribute to the Italian language. The song is produced by v.i.r.u.s. rec. berlin in Italian, German and as a karaoke version.

WDR Cosmo
Radio interview and presentation of the album Fin Dove in the Italian editorial office of WDR Cosmo on the occasion of the CD release.

Album "Fin Dove"
The Italian-language version of the double album will be released in 2017 by v.i.r.u.s. rec. berlin under the name ‘Fin Dove’.
Ruhrnachrichten, 23.06.2018: Download
Fin Dove
Fata Morgana

Album "Wie Weit"
The German-language version of the double album will be released in 2017 by v.i.r.u.s. rec. berlin under the title ‘Wie Weit’.
Wie Weit
Fata Morgana

Maxi CD "Banconopoli"
Herwarth Böhmer's song ‘Banconopoli’, produced bilingually by v.i.r.u.s. rec. berlin, provides a contemporary soundtrack to the banking and financial crisis.

Live-Demo Al Dente
A live demo CD is created from the recordings from the WDR Funkhaus Europa programme ‘Al Dente’.

Live radio gig and interview at the 1st WDR Funkhaus Europa Live programme ‘Al Dente’ in the Flottmann-Hallen Herne

Al Dente
Herwarth Böhmer founded his first band ‘Al Dente’ in 1997.
The five-piece professional band around the Dortmund singer inspires with an Italian programme of songs by Paolo Conte, Vinicio Capossela and Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel. Numerous performances throughout Germany for cultural organisations, agencies and corporate events.